As known, .edu and .gov backlinks are hyperlinks. More, due to their trustful nature and high qualities, search engines place .edu and .gov websites at the top of their pages, and also recognize any backlinks easily to upgrade their ranking. Further, none of private companies, organizations or civil persons can obtain or buy edu and gov domain names legally. None of the search engines are authorized to sell these domains to the civilians as well.
Obviously, there are some ways to get links to these official or semiofficial websites, but it is not easy to achieve. But, Let me give some information about .gov and .edu backlinks before making comments how to get these backlinks free.
.Gov belongs to governmental authorities. .Gov domain name belongs to government websites too. As also known, official organizations’ websites ends with .gov. It is not possible to get these domains by private organizations or private companies. If you can find a way to get links to these websites, you will be lucky because your website will be automatically upgraded by search engines for the reason that government and educational websites are trusted sites and easily recognized by search engines.
As a matter of fact back links are very important to increase the popularity and derive huge traffic to the websites. Although a well designed website with rich and informative content is necessary to gain visitors to read your website, it is not enough to get intense traffic to your website. Search engine optimization is an important technique in order to take place on top pages but there are also other ways to get huge traffic from major search engines. For example, backlinks are crucial to get intense traffic from search engines. Both .gov and .edu backlinks are helpful on this regard.
How to get official and semiofficial back links for free? No doubt, there are several ways to get backlinks to .edu and .gov websites for free if you are lucky enough. One of the ways is to try to get contact from government. If you can get a contract, the public relations department will announce a press release with a link to your website. Probably, this event will create a chance to get a backlink free of charge.
Another reason why .edu and .gov back links are very valuable and trusted links is that search engine algorithms recognize trustful websites immediately and upgrades their ranking. Consequently, your website climbs up to the first page fast and smoothly in a short period of time. On the other hand, only some official or semiofficial organizations can get domain name. In other words, private companies or civilians can not get edu domain name at all. It’s a grant for these official organizations.
To summarize the arguments stated above, educational and governmental websites are very valuable and important opportunities to get free of back links to these websites. What you need to do is to search for occasions to get a contract from government departments or to write academic articles and publish them by your websites.
Use Google to search for .edu and .gov sites that allow comments. In the search box type the following: “powered by wordpress” + “your keyword”
For example: “powered by wordpress” + “seo
Finally, as you create your backlinks, make sure that you are analyzing your own web traffic to see where the best results are coming from. Create a spreadsheet, and keep good notes so that you get the best results for your efforts.